Thriving Musician Podcast

Had a great time chatting with Mr. Spenser Liszt last week about what it takes to be a successful artist (as far as the business side is concerned) on his podcast “Thriving Musician Podcast“.
I feel like this is a topic many INCREDIBLE artists miss out on.
I strongly suggest listening to his podcast in general, so much to learn about the business of being an artist and what it takes to make it a full time career.
I hope you enjoy my episode 🙂
You can also find this podcast on all the usual outlets (Apple, Spotify etc.).
Hit me up any time through Insta, Twitter etc…you know the drill.
Good luck to all the artists out there and thanks again to Amanda Metcalfe for this great picture! 🙂

Thanks to #ShabatGuitars, #MoodyLeather #UEPro #Dallenpickups #LabellaStrings #G7thCapos #OneCustomAudio & #FractalAudio for all the help on the road 🙂