What Being a Full Time Musician REALLY Looks Like
What’s up guys? ๐
I hope everyone is healthy and being safe. This virus has taken too many lives already, let’s not let it take any more!
Onto a different, more positive topic. As you can see up there, my second video is up and running. Thanks to my friend Orlin Nikolov for the awesome shot on the Enrique Iglesias C Stage in Sofia, Bulgaria.
This one is a little bit of a mind opener into my life and what it takes to be one of the, as my friend Nomad likes to say, “Career Musicians“.
Sure, we have a blast and get to experience a lot of very cool stuff, but there’s a lot more to it.
This is a short video that I hope you’ll enjoy ๐
If you have any questions or comments, please go ahead and let me know on the video page, in the comments section preferably ๐
And of course, I’d love to have you Like the vid and Subscribe to the channel if it suits you.
It definitely helps me ๐
As with my other videos, if you actually go to the YouTube Page of this video, there’s a breakdown of it with a timeline/subject list.
Thank you
Stay safe
Your friend

In case you missed it. I made a little tutorial for a “Smash Mouth” guitar solo. Check it out ๐