Annnnnd…we’re back!
Last week I took a break out of respect for the #BlackLivesMatter message and the protests.
I asked my followers and viewers to take a moment and instead of watching a new video by me, educate themselves, as I was trying to do,
in the matters brought up by the death of George Floyd (RIP).
But now, we’re back in business! Helping the next generation of musicians make the right choices so they can be…my competition haha.
In this is video I finally talk, in depth, about Band Agreements.
I even share this example with you from my past.
It’s a free PDF of my band agreement from back in the day with an awesome artists called “Shane” (not me).
Me and a few other amazing writers co-wrote 17 songs for Shane’s album, got management, signed the deal…
and then ended up nowhere…unfortunately.
But as I mentioned in the video, that…the eventual breaking up of that band/project was also discussed in the agreement, as you can see if you go through it.
But, I’m warning you…it’s LONG!
The contract, not the video 🙂
Yours doesn’t have to be that long.
Oh…also…amazing bloopers!!!! haha
Anyway, I hope you learn some good stuff from this one.
If you wanna support and want some good knowledge as soon as it comes out Like the vid and Subscribe to the channel.
Please comment on the video and let me know how I can help you become a better artist and musician.
We’ve got a private Smash Mouth event next month (7/2020).
I can’t wait to see everyone and play live again!!!!!
Catchya on the road soon.